
Thursday, December 15, 2011

An antidote to busy.......

Well, it's that crazy busy time of year again, and we have lots to do in this house. 

We were away for a few days last weekend, and had a nice family break, swimming and lounging around reading a great book  (Book 2 of'A song of Ice and Fire' series, I love a good sci fi/ fantasy tale)
It was great, because this week is pretty hectic!.... 

All the usual end of year things and lots of Christmas catch ups and get togethers...... I think more socialising is crammed into these few weeks than six weeks in Winter......  all lots of fun and very enjoyable!

.......having said that, I am freaking out a little bit how I am going to fit in everything I need to do, I haven't bought any presents yet, but there is still a week or so to get that done.......

Today - Garden job in the morning (paid work, so very welcome), Catch up in afternoon with friends for a chat and drink, make meringues for school break up party for andre, 

Friday-out all day on bike riding trip with Max's class, basketball Christmas party in evening,

Saturday - SummerHarvest lunch at Community garden (I am catering the lunch, luckily a small group only), Tennis Christmas BBQ in the evening (bringing some sort of salad)

Sunday- big extended family christmas party at my olds place (70 people, and I told mum I'd bring potstickers, fairy bread and cupcakes, and a salad if I had time), well as these organised events, I have a lot of little admin type things that have to get done like booklists and biscuits for teachers, and running Jesse to his job and his friends places and having enough food in the house for extra kids........I am sure I am going to forget things,  I do that even when we don't have this much on!!!

.......deep breath.....

I hope this doesn't sound whingy, I am happy we have lots on and am looking forward to see everyone,
I do like to enjoy the festive season, so I am trying to not get overwhelmed, but there is a lot of cooking coming up in the next few days!! haha...

I thought this is the perfect time to start a new bit of crochet, just the thing to unwind my frazzled brain.
So this is the start of my polka dot squares, I am going to make a cushion cover, it is hard to tell the size from these photos, but they are not that big, so I think 16 will make a good size cushion.
wouldn't mind a big blanket made of these either.......

I have seen some lovely circle in squares crochet blankets recently in blogland, there must be something in the air! ( Sorry, it's after midnight and I can't be bothered finding links to show you what I mean, I am a slack unit!)

I made this pattern up,  as the ones I saw in other blogs used dcs (tr), and I wanted a nice dense weave using scs (dc), I am pretty happy with how it has turned out. I am sure I am not the only one who has made a pattern like this, but I didn't find one in my short little hunt on the internet, and it wasn't hard to figure out for myself.

Thinking of writing a little pattern and tutorial post if anyone would like to have a go themselves.
Probably after Christmas though!!

What have you got on at this time of year, are you busy, busy, busy or are things more cruisey at your place ?(lucky you!! haha..)

See you soon!


  1. My social diary is entirely empty this time of year! Am I the only one?

    Still very busy though with lots to do, Christmas is a very busy time.

  2. I am also starting a project in the middle of the Christmas excitement. Helps to keep me calmed down a bit. Your crochet squares are great, I like the color changes in the circles. Have fun!

  3. Love the circles - as soon as I saw them I thought of a million colour combinations! I suspect I will be trying these after Christmas! x

  4. I know exactly what you mean. Things are crazy busy in this house as well at the moment. I started a new shawl in red sparkly wool just so I had something distracting to work on. Your little squares are lovely, I'd like the pattern very much.

  5. I feel the exact same way about the busyness of the season. I have a baby blanket on the knitting needles which is giving me distraction at night when I can sit down for a few rows before bed.
    And after the holiday a tuturial for your circle in the squares would be most appreciated!

  6. love all your pictures! Would love to see a tutorial and pattern! Merry Christmas!

  7. The circle squares will make a lovely cushion cover. We had my family Christmas last weekend which was lovely, having a friends gathering this weekend, followed by a meal out next week with hubby's family and then we go away to Iceland for Christmas, so I'm feeling very relaxed about everything....not a jot of food shopping to do :) Enjoy your festive season x

  8. Hey Jules, my tip is LISTS......write it all down, tick it off as you go and hopefully you won't forget any thing.
    You do sound very busy, I can understand how some crochet would be a good way to escape the busy-ness of the season and help you relax.

    Your cushion is going to look fab, you know how much I love polka dots.......
    I guess you've been to Foxs Lane and seen Kates circles in squares. I think they look wonderful, striking colour combos.

    All the best with the social activities, baking and shopping. Don't forget to pop your wool and hook in your bag so you have a little bit of 'calm' with you wherever you go.

    Claire :}

  9. I try really hard not to get snowed under at this time of year, I've just started my Christmas shopping and the decorations go up at the weekend. So not too hectic. Crochet wise I'm busy making little baubles to hang.......somewhere!

  10. Loving the crochet and the books!!! I finished the4th one a few weeks ago and I'm trying to wait as long as possible to read the 5th as it'll bea fewyearsuntil the next. I LOVE the worldhe's created. A million worlds away from Christmas and to-dos, the perfect antidote! Enjoy x

  11. My goodness you sound busy, wish I could do some crochet to relax my frazzled brain but it's the Christmas crochet that's frazzling it!

  12. Nice post ... enjoyed reading that comforted to know that I'm not the only busy one in the world and I don't even have little kids at school any more

  13. I will put that book on my book list for next year. I love your circle squares and hope you do take the time to write out the pattern for us. I will definitely be doing it next year.

  14. Good grief - you are crazy busy - just the perfect time to start a new project. And great project it is - love the polka dot squares!

  15. I have been planning on making a polka dot blanket for my daughter and I like how yours are tight with no holes. Please do post the pattern. No hurry though, I have got to get through Christmas first. lol. I love those squares though.

  16. I too have been admiring these dotty crochet blankeys and patterns on here, but cannot seem to find a pattern. I would love it if you could find the time somewhere down the track to put a tutorial up...thanks

  17. Love your crochet. I want to make a blanket. Looking forward to your tutorial

  18. Hi Jules, hope your holidays went well! I love love love these polka dot blocks!!! What type of yarn did you use? And is there any chance you have time to post a pattern and or tutorial?! Many thanks Sarah


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