
Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Creative and white......

My creative space today is all about sewing in the loose ends on my red and white bunting and blocking the pieces and crocheting them all together.
This is my contribution to a Kris Kringle swap organised by The Haby Goddess, and it really needs to be finished today for the deadline!  It is a mystery type swap, so I don't know yet who I have to send it to, it is fun making things for strangers, I just hope they like it!

I have also been making a bit of progress on my random stripey Christmas stocking, and with my swap things out of the way I should be able to get this finished this week.  I'm thinking I will put a plain back on it maybe felt or some type of blanket material, I think one side of ultra busyness will be enough.

So, I am starting to make head way on my Christmas crafting,  I just had a call from Gary at work, he has just checked our household budget for the next month and it is not looking great, so I am hoping handmade presents are going to be all the rage this year!!  I am sure Max will love a crocheted Nintendo DS, haha....

If you have some time, have a look over here at the far more creative spaces of lots of others.
Have a great day!


  1. Love your bunting. So festive and bright. You've made great progress on your stocking too. Very pretty.

  2. Who wouldn't love some crochet bunting?? I can tell it's fabulous. Can't wait to see a pic of it finished.

    Love the stocking too so far. I'm a HUGE fan of your blanket made the same way.

  3. Hand made isn't the cheap option here. If only people knew how much yarn costs! I have to buy for most people as I can't afford to make the things I want.

  4. Handmade is definitely all the rage this year, at least in my house. I'm hoping that my family love me enough to appreciate the time put in rather than the money spent! Good luck with it.

  5. Lovely!!! What a great idea, a crocheted DS cover hmm!!!

  6. Handmade is the go this year for sure! Well, I hope so too because my budget is looking rather dismal as well! Love your stripey Christmas crochet, what's that going to be turned into?

  7. We have to save money this year, so we are having a 'budget' Christmas presentwise but will do more for individual birthdays next year instead. That way the load is spread a little over the whole year. Your bunting is amazing, I am sure it will be totally adored and admired by the recipient.

  8. What a gorgeous ,colourfull ,inspirational blog you have ,so pleased ive found you ,its all so lovely ,i love all your makes ,your so clever xx

  9. Hi Jules!
    i found your creations on Pinterest! So I came here to see your blog.
    It's very cute! :)
    Your projects are so colorful! Compliments
    Have a nice day

  10. Love the red and White...just perfect.

    I'm crocheting Christmas this year for most, but I refuse to spend long on things that won't b appreciated....mean but true! I love to make gifts for people who like handmade.

  11. Hi I was the recipient and I LOVE it!!!
    It is hanging in our Christmas corner and looks LOVELY!!
    Thank you!

  12. that looks awesome! great blog btw


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