
Friday, November 18, 2011

Crafty overload....


How are you all going today?

I'm feeling a tad frustrated!
I have been spending a bit of time on Pinterest, and there are so many gorgeous inspiring things to look at, and all these ideas charging through my head, things I just have to make, and then I look at my work space and it is in this state!  There is a big morning gone tidying this room up so I can start creating. Doh!

It seems that everything cluttering up the rest of the house was chucked in here during the Big Party Cleanup of 2011. ( I'll admit, most of the clutter has something to do with my latest crafty tangents, and I do tend to spread my making through out the house)

My poor sewing machine is kind of buried in the middle of all this stuff, and I need her to be in a nice spacious place ready to hum along, whipping up some cuteness.  

I have posted these photos to make myself clean up, tomorrow morning is supposed to be stormy, so no gardening jobs to distract me!  Just you wait for the 'after' photos!

This clean up could take awhile, so to make sure I don't forget all the lovely things I want to make here is a list to remind myself 

*felted balls, then colourfully embroidered and made into Xmas decorations (must buy wool rovings)

*embroidery on calico/cotton/felt then cut out and stuffed and hung on a tree

*cute little wallet sewn from scraps of fabric (saw this in the Mollie Makes with the peas on front cover)

*in same vein, cute patchworky journal cover

* hybrid fabric and crochet pillow slips ( stripes of fabric and stripes of crochet in between, I think it will look better than it sounds!)

*soft toys from my thrifted blankets, elephant first

*cute little felt mice from pattern I bought the other day (must show you guys, soooo cute!)

* mini crochet squares for cushion cover

*crochet polka dot blanket (big project - probably 2012 I think)

*knitted coin purse

*crocheted lacy trims from Japanese book

*patchwork pillow slips for our bed, with cute crochet edges

*some paper mache creations

*knitted beekeeper blanket...............

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head, I also have all my unfinished stuff to work on too, so definitely need to get my crafty mojo going!! 

Do you have lots of ideas going around your head too?
There aren't enough hours in the day!

Have a great day!


  1. Ha ha ha ha I know exactly how you feel (t hat's manic crazy laughing by the way)I have so many little things I want to make, I keep a little book so I don't forget AND a Pinterest board which is filling up fast!
    My craft room is in disarray too, due to the fact that one of my sons took the chest of drawers that I stored all my supplies in (to be fair it was his) they are now all piled up in boxes! Tidying beckons for me too!
    Have a fab crafty weekend ♥

  2. great idea posting your list. My sewing area looks very similar and that Pinterest, just keeps sucking me back and wasting my by so many LOVELY things!!

  3. Well it appears in blog land that lots of people are having big old tidy ups. I tidied my family room yesterday it was a real mess and it took me all day. It looks beautiful now but my craft room now looks 10 times worse than your because all the spare stuff (my craft stuff) has been dumped in there. It will have to wait for another day.

  4. have fun tidying up! Looking forward to seeing all your projects too.

  5. Underneath all that you can see a very nice work space... I am very jealous you know.. I have an old tea-trolley for mine...We should start a CA group I think...(Craft-aholics Anonymous)..there must be hundreads of us out here with lists as long as your arm.. but you are one of the first to stand up and declare it... Can't wait to see them all in reality :)x

  6. I love seeing other peoples messy spaces. It makes me feel normal. I couldn't face my house when I got home from work last night. My daughter and I went to bed and when I got up my husband had CLEANED. Amazing.

  7. Good luck with the tidy. Having just roped my sister to come up from Cornwall to help me I know how you are feeling at the moment. I sleep in the Attic which is also my craft room so I have (dep breath) taken a car load of tstuff to the tip, filled my sisters car and sorted out 5 big bags to give to my niece. So now I have only in my craft room things that I will make, stuff on shelves infront of the two tables side by side that make a long work bench. so once it is done it makes you feel so much better. i loke your list of things you want to make xx good luck xx

  8. Never enough hours in the day! I am already feeling behind with my Christmas making!

    Pomona x

  9. I feel exactly the same with craft list craziness.
    Although fantastic as it it, Pinterest just drains away far too much time dreaming of all the wonderful thing I want to make. Then then leaves me less time to get them done. My husband last night asked me if my Christmas cross stitch was for this year or next!!!
    Good luck with your sorting.

  10. If only there were more hours in the day and how many of them slide by me whilst I'm looking at so many lovely creations on line. But now I know what I need, I've got the material, the clutter, the ideas ........ just missing "the list"!
    Have a great weekend.
    Carol xx

  11. I love the look of your craft room - shows you've been busy crafting. :)

  12. My, my, my, my What a list that is!! I don't have an room for my crafting, but I do have a small area for my chest of yarn and books and it's messy and tangley...:(

  13. Hey Jules, hope the 'Big Craft Room Cleanup of 2011' went well............

    I'm sure it will look so nice you won't want to do anything to mess it up.

    All the best with your list of 'want to makes', there's some great ideas on your list.

    My head used to be full of ideas of things I wanted to make, but the buzz has died down recently which is nice. This has allowed me to enjoy what I'm working on at the moment and not be in a hurry to move onto the next project ..............

    Mind you I do have a list such as yours but it will just have to wait. Maybe I should tidy up my spare/craft storage room first !!

    Claire :}

  14. Scary stuff when you actually write the list eh! I'm unsure that I actually want to write mine down as it would be painful....I'm tackling most pressing and hoping for the best....have fun sorting!

  15. The look of a creative genius!!!

  16. I suddenly don't feel guilty anymore about my crafty corner looking like a bomb went off, I see I got a buddy in crime here! Ha ha ha. What a relief! Me too get idea overloads at times. My husband says I am creatively bi-polar. May be he is right. When I am on a high I hardly can sleep so excited I am about everything I want to make, try out, figure out, buy, test, create... Have a lovely 1st of advent!


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