
Thursday, September 30, 2010

My creative space #7

I've been doing a bit of hooky recently, as you can see, not really into tidying up as I go. I just bring out the next thing I need or something I want to look at and day dream about. I don't mean to be so messy, it just seems to evolve that way (and who am I to stand in the way of evolution.)

Started working on this pattern for a lacyish tablecloth, I'm supposed to make 80 of these babies, we'll see how we go. I bought all this cotton at Bendigo and the colours look lovely together so I think it will be a nice tablecloth for summer soirees in the garden with a chilled voddy and lime to sip on! ( Mental note - must try and complete this one!)

I've signed up for Blogtoberfest over here, never done anything like this before, committing to a post a a day for October. Hope I can keep up and find something interesting to post, it will be fun! ( I think/hope!)


  1. My sofa is the same! I like to call it creative chaos!
    lovely new crochet, stick at it, it will be gorgeous!
    Deb x

  2. Mine looks like that too! It is a creative thing.
    I love your squares but don't envy you having to do 80.

  3. Hi, found you on kootoyoo. Love your crocheted stuff. I can't believe that you say in your header you are new to the "whole hooky thing". I love the blanket you made and have just spotted the drawstring bag you blogged about earlier - it's gorgeous. I'm your newest follower so I'll be back!!

  4. Love the 'creative choas'! Love the pattern and all the best with the Blogtoberfest. Cx

  5. This looks so amazing. Love the look. Can't wait to see the final product. I'm your newest follower.


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